Here is the flow and procedure for changing your e-mail:
We will send a verification code to your original OMGFIN e-mail address to prove you are the account owner of the e-mail. There are additional documents we will also need you to provide to prove your ownership of the account.
Here is a list of the documents and information we will need from you to change your e-mail:

1. The Verification code sent to your OMGFIN e-mail address

2. Photo documents as follows:
⦁ Photo of the Front side of your Government-issued photo ID or Passport Cover.
⦁ Photo of the Backside of your Government-issued photo ID or Passport personal page.
⦁ A Photo with the Front side of your Government-issued photo ID or Passport personal page open, together with a handwritten note that “OMGFIN + change my account email from xxx to xxx' and the current date”

3. Please also send us the video in which you are holding both the Front side of your Government-issued photo ID or Passport personal page open, together with a handwritten note that includes “change account email from (old email) to (new email)”, the current time and date (mm/dd/yyyy), as well as a written “OMGFIN”. Lastly, you will need to audibly say "Please change my OMGFIN email from xxx to xxx" in the video.

4. A screenshot of your latest deposit & transaction history.

5. A typed version of your new email address, make sure this new email address was not registered in OMGFIN.

When you receive that code, please copy and paste that as well as providing the above-mentioned documents.

After approval please note that you will not be able to withdrawal from your account for 120 hours (5 days).

Any account making this request may be subject to additional review or scrutiny as deemed necessary and we reserve the right to reject any requests for security purposes.
·         If your previous email is available, please submit the ticket by your previous email.
·         If your previous email is unavailable, please submit the ticket by your new email.