Climate policy via blockchain is changing into a significant topic of debate among teachers and business professionals as carbon offsets are tokenized. 

Climate-change-centered Klima DAO has accumulated over 9 million tonnes of carbon offsets consistent with a November. 8 announcement. The USD price of these offsets has surpassed $100 million. 

In a journal post, the project explained that those offsets ar admire the annual emissions of Georgia, Jamaica, or island Papua. The Klima DAO protocol aims to extend the value appreciation of carbon assets. 

The core team told Cointelegraph that it intends to place upward pressure on the value of carbon offsets “so that it becomes more profitable to interact in offset-generating activities, like protective land for carbon sequestration, or restoring forests and wetlands.” 

Carbon offsets are reductions in gas emissions in one place to atone for emissions elsewhere. 

By accumulating all those offsets, referred to as Base Carbon Tonnes (BCT), the Klima DAO treasury has fastened in concerning 85th of the present 10.7 million BCTs on-chain. every BCT could be a digital plus representing one metric weight unit of carbon from the Verified Carbon Unit (VCU) register, that has been bridged onto the two-dimensional figure Network by the piciform bird Protocol. 

As the balance of BCT in its treasury increases: 

“The Klima DAO community will look to promote higher quality carbon offset projects, particularly in developing economies.”

The project hopes to stimulate growth within the worth of BCT tokens by giving fee sharing, a bonding program, and incentivizing liquidity pools on Sushiswap. 

The project is taking advantage of blockchain as a record-keeping system that may produce standardization and accountability in with efficiency assessing information concerning the economic and environmental impact of offsets. 

(Brian Newar, Cointelegraph, 2021)